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发布时间:2022-07-17睡前故事 养生王
The Horse and JockeyA jockey. He had a very obedient horse. The jockey can do what he wants with it.

The Horse and Jockey

A jockey. He had a very obedient horse. The jockey can do what he wants with it. As soon as the jockey lifts his whip, the horse is at his mercy. Besides, the horse understands everything the jockey says. The jockey thought that if his horse was so obedient, there was no point in putting a stiff rope on it. One day, when the jockey was out, he took the rope off.

As soon as the ropes were untied, the horse was at a gallop over the plain, not very fast at first, but after a while, with manly strides, as if trying to please his master. When it realized that it was no longer bound by the rigid rope, it began to be bold, completely disregarding the master's command, in the prairie unbridled run up.

There was nothing the jockey could do about it now. The horse would not obey him at all, and it was impossible to tie him up now. The unfettered horse galloped all the way and at last snatched the rider off his back. The horse galloped on as if nothing had happened, without so much as a glance at its owner. Perhaps in his excitement, he lost his bearings for a moment, plunged headlong into the valley, and was smashed to pieces.

"My poor horse," said the jockey sadly. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let go. If I had not untied myself, you would have listened to me, and you would not have thrown me, and you would not have come to this miserable end."

Freedom is a wonderful thing, but we must not lose ourselves in it.





“我那可怜的马儿呀,” 骑师伤心地说道,“都是我不好,我不应该解掉僵绳的。如果我没有解掉僵绳,你就会好好地听我的话,也就不会把我从马背上摔下来,你就更不会落得这样凄惨的下场。”
