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发布时间:2022-08-24睡前故事 养生王
The NightingaleA man caught some nightingales. He put them in a cage. The nightingales in the cage h

The Nightingale

A man caught some nightingales. He put them in a cage. The nightingales in the cage have nothing to do, they are always humming a song in a daze. They probably had nothing else to do but sing, not because they were in a good mood, but because they were bored.

There is a particularly depressed nightingale in the cage. It was unhappy all day long, because it missed its lover. He wept all day long because he missed him so much. So it went on for a while, and slowly it began to change.

"Cheer up! "What will happen if you go on like this? A fool cries in the face of difficulties. A wise man will find a way to solve them when he faces them. In order to change my fate, I have figured out a way. If you think about it, he didn't bring us here to eat us. Maybe he just likes to hear us sing. I thought if he liked our singing so much, we'd sing him the sweetest song, and maybe he'd be in a good mood and set us free."

The poor nightingale, in order that she might go out and see her lover whom she had been longing for night and day, took her advice, and she too began to sing, trying to please her master with the sweetest sounds.

So has its fate really changed? No, only to make its fate more painful. For those birds that did not sing well, the master quickly opened the cage and set them free. But the poor nightingale was never let go by her master, because she sang so beautifully.

When encountering difficulties, we should grasp the nettle, face them with a positive and optimistic attitude, and find the right way and way to solve the problem.




“打起精神来吧! ” 小夜莺说,“你这样下去会有什么结果呢。傻瓜才会在困难面前哭泣呢,聪明人面对困难时一定会找解决困难的办法。为了改变我的命运,我已经想好办法了。你想想看,他把我们抓来肯定不是要吃掉我们。他也许是喜欢听我们唱歌罢了。我想,既然他那么喜欢我们的歌声,那么我们就应该唱最动听的歌给他听,说不定哪天他心情大好,就把我们放了呢!”


